Main Publications
VocADT - Adapters for Altering LLM Vocabularies: What Languages Benefit the Most?
HyoJung Han, Akiko Eriguchi, Haoran Xu, Hieu Hoang, Marine Carpuat and Huda Khayrallah.
In The Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2025.
SpeechQE: Estimating the Quality of Direct Speech Translation
HyoJung Han, Kevin Duh and Marine Carpuat.
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2024. (main, long)
XLAVS-R: Cross-Lingual Audio-Visual Speech Representation Learning for Noise-Robust Speech Perception.
HyoJung Han, Mohamed Anwar, Juan Pino, Wei-Ning Hsu, Marine Carpuat, Bowen Shi and Changhan Wang.
In Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2024. (main, long)
Bridging Background Knowledge Gaps in Translation with Automatic Explicitation.
HyoJung Han, Jordan Boyd-Graber and Marine Carpuat.
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2023. (main, long)
SimQA: Detecting Simultaneous MT Errors through Word-by-Word Question Answering.
HyoJung Han, Marine Carpuat and Jordan Boyd-Graber.
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2022. (main, long)
( * as same contribution).
Monotonic Simultaneous Translation with Chunk-wise Reordering and Refinement.
HyoJung Han*, Seokchan Ahn*, Yoonjung Choi, Insoo Chung, Sangha Kim and Kyunghyun Cho.
Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Machine Translation (WMT), 2021.
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Faster Re-translation Using Non-Autoregressive Model for Simultaneous Neural Machine Translation.
HyoJung Han*, Sathish Indurthi*, Mohd Abbas Zaidi, Nikhil Kumar Lakumarapu, Beomseok Lee, Sangha Kim, Chanwoo Kim and Inchul Hwang.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.14681.
End-to-End Simultaneous Translation System for IWSLT2020 Using Modality Agnostic Meta-Learning.
Hou Jeung Han, Mohd Abbas Zaidi, Sathish Reddy Indurthi, Nikhil Kumar Lakumarapu, Beomseok Lee and Sangha Kim.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT). 2020.
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End-end Speech-to-Text Translation with Modality Agnostic Meta-Learning.
Sathish Indurthi, Houjeung Han, Nikhil Kumar Lakumarapu, Beomseok Lee, Insoo Chung, Sangha Kim and Chanwoo Kim.
ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
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Data Efficient Direct Speech-to-Text Translation with Modality Agnostic Meta-Learning.
Sathish Indurthi, Houjeung Han, Nikhil Kumar Lakumarapu, Beomseok Lee, Insoo Chung, Sangha Kim and Chanwoo Kim.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.04283.
Multi-view Visual Speech Recognition Based on Multi-task Learning.
HouJeung Han, Sunghun Kang and Chang D. Yoo.
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2017.
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Task Aware Multi-Task Learning for Speech to Text Tasks.
Sathish Indurthi, Mohd Abbas Zaidi, Nikhil Kumar Lakumarapu, Beomseok Lee, HyoJung Han, Seokchan Ahn, Sangha Kim, Chanwoo Kim and Inchul Hwang.
ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
End-to-End Offline Speech Translation System for IWSLT 2020 using Modality Agnostic Meta-Learning.
Nikhil Kumar Lakumarapu, Beomseok Lee, Sathish Reddy Indurthi, Hou Jeung Han, Mohd Abbas Zaidi and Sangha Kim.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT). 2020.
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Exploiting General Purpose Sequence Representations for Low Resource Neural Machine Translation.
HouJeung Han*, Sathish Indurthi* and Sangha Kim.
Practical ML for Developing Countries Workshop at International Conference on Learning Representations (PML4DC@ICLR). 2020.
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Associative scene semantic segmentation.
HouJeung Han and Chang D. Yoo.
Master’s Thesis at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 2018.
In Korean
Research on the Decoder Attention Structure of Multi-encoder Transformer-based Automatic Post-Editing Model.
Jaehun Shin, WonKee Lee, Youngkil Kim, H. Jeung Han and Jong-Hyeok Lee.
KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices (KTCP), Vol.26, No. 8. pp. 367-372, 2020.
Construction of an Artificial Training Corpus for The Quality Estimation Task based on HTER Distribution Equalization.
Junsu Park, WonKee Lee, Jaehun Shin, H. Jeung Han and Jong-hyeok Lee.
Proceedings of the 31th Annual Conference on Human and Cognitive Language Technology (HCLT), pp. 460-464. 2019.